I've enjoyed this sauce on so many occasions as a child and always thought that the recipe was a close guarded secret. Only recently did I discover that its inventor shared it with my mom. A few weeks ago, good friends came over for supper and I served this sauce with apple crumble and
ouma's ice cream, they just couldn't get enough. You might want to double up on the recipe, because you can also eat it by the spoonful from the fridge after midnight, while everybody else is sleeping!
1/2 cup sugar
100g butter (only use real butter, margarine won't do!)
1/2 cup milk, warmed
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cornflour, blended into a bit of milk
Place the sugar and butter into a saucepan and heat over medium heat, until the butter is melted. Turn up the heat and cook, while stirring, until a rich brown caramel is formed. Add the milk, but be careful, the mixture will boil profusely. Add the vanilla and cornflour and stir until cooked through. Serves 4.
Mense, ek kan vouch vir dié een - jy gaan jou bakkie wil uitlek!
Ek stem saam, ek is een wat in die aand gaan soek in die yskas....
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